The apostles never remained the same after the experience of transfiguration

Abraham’s journey with Isaac to Moriah sums up a lesson in obedience and trust, mirroring the journey humanity is called to make in trusting God’s providence and mercy. The ram provided by God as a substitute for Isaac symbolises a shift towards worship that values life and the acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty in providing. Isaac is thought to be a willing victim. He carries the wood, just as Jesus carries the wood of the cross for our sake so that we may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10) Challenged by the faith and willingness of Jesus and Isaac, how willing am I to carry my cross without complaint?

As we reflect on the transfiguration of Jesus in today’s Gospel, I imagine Jesus as he hears a voice saying to him, and Peter, James and John: “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” Jesus knew that voice; he had heard that voice as he emerged from the waters of the Jordan in Mark 1:17. “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and grace and felt confirmed by this voice. At the Transfiguration, God knew that Peter, James and John also needed encouragement and hope as they faced an uncertain future. As they witnessed Jesus transfigured, they witnessed a powerful moment of consolation that would aid them as they faced a future that included desolation, devastation and a horrible crucifixion of their Master. The apostles never remained the same after the experience of transfiguration. At the moment of our beginning of the new province too we need encouragement to continue diving into the future.

Remind yourself of Who Jesus truly is. Try to imagine what these Apostles saw and experienced during transfiguration. As we continue our Lenten journey accompanying Jesus on his journey towards Jerusalem, we walk with him in his suffering, trusting in his divine plan. We remember the sacrifices he made for us and strive to be closer to him. We surrender to his love and mercy. This brief glimpse of Jesus in all his glory is meant for us today. Like the disciples, we too experience fear, doubt and even a lack of faith. We need to be encouraged and strengthened by Jesus, especially as we continue our journey through Lent. Our prayer, fasting, and sharing with the poor is not an end in itself. It is a way of expressing our love and appreciation for God. It shows our dedication to helping those in need, and a reminder to stay humble and grateful for what we have.

Our lives of prayer, service and community are meant to transform us to be women of communion. Sr. Margaret Conroy once shared that, we are called to be “another Christ” in the world. Today, as we watch the news and read newspapers, there is so much suffering and despair in our world. We are called to be that compassionate presence in the world, to bring hope and encouragement to others. The experience of Jesus transfiguration offers each one of us to foresee what lies ahead of us. If we share in the suffering and passion of Jesus, we will also share in his resurrection as St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans. “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his”. (Rm. 6.5)

Let us pray to Our transfigured Lord who is truly glorious in a way that is beyond our comprehension, and whose glory and splendour is beyond what our imagination can ever comprehend, to help us to always keep the eyes of our heart upon Him and to allow the image of His transfiguration to strengthen us when we are tempted to despair.

Sr. Mary Mulanda and Sr. Rebecca Loukae

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