Crossing to the Jordan

Crossing to the Jordan

Death is a great leveler

Margie, we remember you as a soul so vibrant, and lively with a spirit so inspirational. You have left an everlasting imprint on all of our lives. Margaret Conroy (Margie) you were so much more than just a friend to us. You were a confidante, a mentor, a teacher, and a comrade to all and in all moments. Your death has left a significant vacuum, yet your spirit lives on in our hearts and memories. Your words were full of wisdom and your knowledge was a guiding light for many. Margie, we miss you, but we are not going to dwell on the sadness of your departure, but rather on the joy you brought into our lives. We remember your smile, your sense of humour, your love for Justice Peace, and Integrity of Creation, and your wise words. Know that you will always be a part of us. Rest in peace, dear Margie.


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