Philipine Duchesne

Woman With A Universal Heart

Philippine had a universal heart, abroad, and welcoming tent that was inclusive, and a porous border! She was always pushing to expand the boundaries of her heart. As a child, she wished to reach out to the poor of Grenoble; as an adolescent and a young nun she wished to engage with indigenous peoples across the ocean; as an old woman, she longed to travel to the Rocky Mountains and beyond- even to China. Philippine bravely crossed not only geographical and political borders, but also social class, language, culture, and custom. Philippine’s circle of compassion was as wide as the world. Her deep desire was to bring the love of God, which she had come to know so intimately.

So What About Us?

How broad is our own tent of inclusion?

How large is the circle of our compassion?

How permeable are the borders of our hearts?

Who are our hearts breaking for?

If the answer is too specific, remember how Philippine’s Heart was universal. She opened her heart and spent a lot of time allowing God’s love, through Christ, to fill her, shape her and, ultimately, to transform her. Philippine’s heart thus became progressively revelatory of Christ’s Heart as a result.

“Jesus, I live for You,
I labour for You,
I desire only You.
You in me and I in You;
You with me and I with You;
You all mine and I all Yours.”

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne